
How To Apply Makeup When You Wear Glasses

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Our eyes are ii of our well-nigh precious possessions — yet, all too hands, we take good eyesight for granted. If you desire to have better vision or to keep what y'all already accept, you take to make the effort. Some things y'all tin can do include eating foods that tin help your eyesight, such as fish and spinach, and taking measures to protect your eyes from harm by wearing sunglasses or goggles. If yous brand a commitment, y'all'll end up with healthier eyes.

  1. 1

    Try the Bates Method. Some people believe that our eyes are similar the rest of our torso — the more we exercise and utilise them, the stronger they will go. The Bates Method uses this thought and a series of exercises to gradually improve your vision.[ane]

    • While at that place is no scientific bear witness that the Bates Method works, people in surveys exercise report improved vision. [2]
    • Eye exercises may exist what is called a "placebo" upshot — that is, practitioners report feeling amend because they believe the exercises are helping. At the very to the lowest degree, the Bates Method does non harm.
  2. 2

    Palm your optics. The first stride in the method is to "palm" your eyes by roofing them with your hands. This should help to warm and relax the eyes.

    • Get into position by sitting in a chair with cushions in front of yous. The cushions are for resting your elbows. Or, alternatively, lie on your back with some pillows backside your head. Some people adopt to palm in a darkened room.
    • Close your eyes and place your hands over your eyes with cupped palms. Make certain that you are not putting any force per unit area on your eyes. In that location should be no calorie-free, or very picayune, that reaches your vision.
    • Hold this position for 10 minutes to commencement. At the terminate of 10 minutes, appraise yourself. Exercise you lot feel relaxed? If not, keep palming for a longer period.


  3. iii

    Trace a figure eight. Another exercise that you can do is to trace a shape. Rolling your eyes in this way will activate eye muscles and, ideally, strengthen them.[3]

    • While sitting, imagine a effigy 8 placed about ten feet in front of you. Trace the figure up, down, and around with your eyes, keeping your head stationary. Repeat for several minutes.
    • Now, turn the figure eight on its side. With this image in your mind, begin to trace the shape once again, slowly, without moving your head. Repeat for several minutes.
    • You can do this exercise practically anywhere, either at habitation, at work, or even on the subway.
  4. 4

    Focus on most and far objects. Yous've exercised the eye'south external muscles by tracing shapes. Now is the time to use the middle's inner focusing mechanisms. Some people believe that this will improve your visual acuity.[four]

    • While sitting, perhaps at your desk-bound, put your thumb almost ten inches in forepart of your face and focus on it securely for nearly 30 seconds.
    • Next, shift your gaze from the thumb to an object about x to 20 feet in front of you. Allow your eyes to refocus and concentrate on the object for some other thirty seconds.
    • Take a deep breath and refocus on your pollex. Echo this shift at xxx-2d intervals for about 2 to three minutes.


  1. 1

    Rest your eyes. There are old myths that sure things will harm your eyesight, like reading in dim light. In fact, reading in dim light does not permanently injure your optics, information technology only strains them. Excessive reading, especially on backlit computer screens, will practise the same affair. Rest your optics to keep them from becoming strained.[5]

    • To prevent heart strain, step yourself. Balance briefly about once every 20 minutes by looking abroad from the screen or closing your optics. Or try the 20-20-twenty rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 anxiety abroad or more, for 20 seconds.[6]
    • Make a witting attempt to blink regularly. This keeps your eyes well lubricated.
    • If your optics are tiring at a calculator, attempt to adjust the calorie-free. Sometimes glare or harsh lighting tin can worsen middle strain.
    • When driving, aim vents away from your eyes. Dry, air-conditioned air sucks the wet out of optics like a sponge and tin can worsen eye strain.
  2. 2

    Habiliment center protection. A fix of spectacles or goggles can guard your eyes from droppings, chemicals, or glaring sunlight. Keep a pair effectually the house, in your car, or at piece of work in case you need extra centre protection.

    • Swim goggles will protect your eyes from pool chlorine. While this chemic will probably not permanently impairment your vision, information technology can oftentimes irritate and inflame your eyes.
    • Studies show that people who swim with goggles have lower numbers of bacterial colonies in their eyes.[vii]
    • Safety goggles in the workshop goes without saying, and is one of the get-go rules of safety. These will protect you from whatsoever debris that might otherwise cause a corneal chafe or worse.
    • Ultraviolet light from the sun can impairment your corneas, lens, or other parts of the eye. Make sure to habiliment sunglasses when outside. When choosing sunglasses, go for UV protection that blocks 99 to 100% of rays. Blueish-blocking lenses are improve than amber, for case. Polarized lenses volition also reduce glare for driving.[8]
    • Clothing a large hat or cap forth with your sunglasses. A wide-brimmed hat volition block nigh 50% of UV radiation and reduce the UV rays that get effectually the glasses.
  3. 3

    Remove makeup and contacts every dark. It is important not to forget to remove your contact lenses before you lot go to sleep every nighttime. Sleeping in contacts can allow harmful bacteria to breed in the center, leading to infection.

    • Nearly i one thousand thousand Americans end upwards at the doctor each twelvemonth with infections caused by contact lenses, many because they slept in their contacts or did not practice adept contact care. Make sure to remove and properly clean your lenses every solar day.[9]
    • In serious cases, people have become blind from poor contact care, which led to the growth of amoebas.[10]
    • Remove middle makeup every night, as well. This will prevent small pieces of makeup from winding upward in your eye and possibly scratching your cornea. If y'all leave on mascara, your stiff eyelash may go aptitude and poke your eye.
  4. four

    Avert conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis, or "pink eye," is the inflammation of the eye's conjunctiva, or the thin layer of tissue that covers the heart whites. Unremarkably it is acquired by a viral infection, but it can also result from fungi, contact lens wear, or allergens.

    • Conjunctivitis causes irritation, burning and watery eyes. Information technology tin can as well include a discharge of pus from the middle and crusting on the eyelids and lashes.
    • While probably non permanently harmful, conjunctivitis is certainly unpleasant. You can avoid it by practicing good heart care, like washing your easily and not rubbing your eyes.
    • Use a fresh towel every time you wipe your face. Sharing face towels or napkins with others tin transmit conjunctivitis.
    • Do not share makeup, makeup brushes, contact lenses, or eyeglasses.
  5. 5

    Eat right. Eating the correct things might not improve your vision, only it will give your body all the nutrients information technology needs to maintain it. In that location are many vitamins that help to promote skillful eye wellness. Make sure to include them in your meals.[eleven]

    • Swallow fish twice a week, for example. Fish are a rich source of omega-three fatty acids — proven to reduce the risk of dry-heart syndrome. If yous can't stand up fish, attempt fish-oil supplements.
    • Have sweet potatoes for dinner this night. Rich in Vitamin A, these spuds are particularly good at improving your night vision.
    • Have spinach twice a week. It could exist steamed, sauteed in olive oil with garlic, or perhaps in a quiche. It doesn't matter how you get it, simply be sure to have it regularly. Studies show that lutein, a food abundant in spinach, may prevent historic period-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
    • Cook with cherry-red rather than xanthous onions. Blood-red onions contain more quercetin, an antioxidant that is thought to protect against cataracts.


  1. 1

    Go to an optometrist. Optometrists are doctors who specialize in basic eye care, including sight testing, diagnosing of problems, and prescribing of corrective lenses. The optometrist will give you a battery of center tests and help to identify any issues that you've having. She is the foundation in your preventative eye-care.

    • You should see an optometrist most once every two years if y'all are a healthy adult. Seniors and diabetics should go more often, once per yr.[12]
    • Brand an appointment with your middle doctor is you accept any sudden changes in vision, double vision, halos, excess tearing, pain in the heart, sudden flashes of light, or unusual cerise heart. Any of these could be a symptom of a serious status.
  2. 2

    Get cosmetic lenses. The optometrist may prescribe corrective activity to ameliorate your vision. Lenses or surgery are, in fact, the but proven ways to actively correct vision — the residue is either unproven or prevention. In consultation with your doctor, determine what the best course of action is.

    • Almost probable you'll either get spectacles or contact lenses. Both are used to right conditions similar virtually- and far-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
    • Nowadays many people cull contact lenses for cosmetic reasons, or considering they don't slide downwards the nose or fog up. However, glasses crave less in the way of hygiene and everyday care. The choice is really upwards to you.
  3. 3

    Consider corrective surgery. Vision surgery is also known every bit "refractive heart surgery" and merely works for certain types of vision — namely, near- and far-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. If you lot are a candidate for corrective surgery, the process volition be specially tailored to your issues.

    • Vision surgery is more often than not done present by light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, like the LASIK procedure. One downside is cost, as this surgery can be equally much as a couple thousand dollars per eye.
    • In that location are as well risks of complications similar chronic dry eye. While complication ascend in almost 0–4% of cases, severe vision loss is very unusual.
    • Equally always, talk to your dr. most the risks and benefits of this procedures, and what options conform you lot all-time.


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  • In general, if yous proceed your body healthy, your eyes will have the greatest chance of staying healthy too


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Article Summary 10

If you want to take ameliorate vision, it'southward important to make lifestyle choices that will protect your eyes. While your diet tin't meliorate your vision, it tin help maintain it since in that location are certain vitamins that will help promote centre health. Eating fish or taking fish-oil tin can reduce the risk of dry-eye syndrome, having sugariness potatoes can maintain your night vision, and enjoying spinach a few times a week may forestall cataracts. Information technology's likewise of import to clothing sunglasses that accept UV protection to avoid damaging your eyes. If you lot wear contacts, take them out at night to avoid infection. Y'all'll as well want to rest your eyes by looking abroad from your computer or book for about 20 seconds every xx minutes or so. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to exercise your eyes, go along reading!

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